Batch Transfer

The batch transfer function, as the name suggests, allows transfer of multiple files to a sampler. However, WaveSurgeon Advanced also allows:

Sorting of the order of sample transfer;
Mapping of samples across the keyboard;
Smoothing of transferred samples.

Click the æBatch TransferÆ option from the sampler menu to begin. Then select the profile associated with your sampler, and add the samples you wish to send either by dragging them from folders into the box, or by clicking the æAddÆ button. Click on a sample + click æPlayÆ to audition it. It is also possible to remove samples, clear all the samples, and sort the order of them from the buttons on the right hand side.

If auto mapping is selected, then samples will be mapped in order across the keyboard in (top to bottom) order of their appearance in the box. In other words, if the root key is set to C, and the white keys option is off, then the first sample in the list will be set to C, the second to C#, the next to D, the fourth to D#, E, and so on. You can alter the order of samples by clicking upon them and dragging up or down.

When happy with the settings, check or uncheck the æauto mapÆ box as required, and set the position in the sampler memory you wish to send samples to (not required for Akai samplers). It is also possible to enable smoothing on transmitted samples (if required) and the base note and mapping interval by clicking the æSet MappingÆ box.The æBatch SendÆ button begins transmission, whilst æAbortÆ stops the operation.